What is Bounce to a Cure?


Welcome to Bounce to a Cure, associated with the Scleroderma foundation. This is where I would summarize what is going on but currently am still trying to figure out what I should write.

A Different Look

If this body of content needs additional headings and sections, it is easy enough to add more content.

Maybe I'll toss a picture in here...I don't really know, I need to work on this section :P

Filling Up

Currently, I am trying to fill this small section up with words to get a basic idea on how it will look. Because of this, I am writing complete nonesense, so please do not look into any sort of meaning behind this text.

You may have noticed that the links on this webpage do nothing too. I have not assigned them to the other pages yet since I am still finializing the layout. I'm kind of digging this black, chrome, white layout myself; looks to me to be a bit more professinoal compared to a site colored with a rainbow of colors. Did I fill this box up yet?


Local Cases

This section is dedictated to the interviews of people around Massachusetts currently inflicted with Scleroderma. By clicking on on the link at the bottom, users of this website would be able to read the entire interview as well as view other interviews that have taken place.

There would be a simple picture of the person here as well as there back story including how they carry on through everyday life with Scleroderma.

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